Example Walkthrough
Here we'll see how to use Task Badger in a web setting to create a task during a request and then updated it as the task is processed on the backend.
In the following example we'll be using Django and Celery.
If using the Task Badger task for local progress tracking seems a bit heavy for your use case, you could use celery-progress for local tracking and maintain the Task Badger task purerly for remote tracking, metrics, alerts, integrations etc.
Option 1: Use the Core API
1. Create the task in a view
from django.conf import settings
from taskbadger import StatusEnum, Task
from apps.export.tasks import export_user_data
NOTIFY_EMAIL = settings.ADMINS[0][1]
def export_data(request):
task = Task.create(
"data export",
data={"user_id": request.user.id},
actions=[Action("error,stale", integration=EmailIntegration(to=NOTIFY_EMAIL))],
stale_timeout=60, # seconds
export_user_data.delay(task_id=task.id, user_id=request.user.id)
return JsonResponse({"task_id": task.id})
In addition to creating the task, we've also added an action so that we will get notified if the task fails or does not complete.
2. Update the task
from celery.app import shared_task
from taskbadger import StatusEnum, Task
def export_user_data(task_id, user_id):
task = Task.get(task_id)
compile_export(task, user_id) # this also updates the task progress
except Exception as e:
"error": str(e)
3. Expose the task status for the UI
def poll_task_status(request, task_id):
task = Task.get(task_id)
return JsonResponse({
"status": task.status,
"value": task.value,
"value_percent": task.value_percent
Option 2: Use the Celery integration
Use the Task Badger Celery Task class as the base class for your Celery task:
from celery.app import shared_task
from taskbadger.celery import Task
@shared_task(bind=True, base=Task, taskbadger_kwargs={
"actions": [Action("error,stale", integration=EmailIntegration(to=settings.ADMINS[0][1]))],
"stale_timeout": 5
def export_user_data(self, user_id):
task = self.taskbadger_task
compile_export(task, user_id) # this also updates the task progress
except Exception as e:
"error": str(e)
In the view we can get the Task Badger task ID from the Celery task result:
from apps.export.tasks import export_user_data
def export_data(request):
task = export_user_data.delay(user_id=request.user.id, taskbadger_data={"user_id": request.user.id})
tb_task_id = task.info.get("taskbadger_task_id")
return JsonResponse({"task_id": tb_task_id})
def poll_task_status(request, task_id):
# same as above