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API Endpoints

All tasks (and related data) is associated with a single project. The base task URL is:

Action Endpoint
List tasks GET /api/{org}/{project}/tasks
Create task POST /api/{org}/{project}/tasks
Get task details GET /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}
Update task PATCH /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}
Cancel task DELETE /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}
List task actions GET /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}/actions/
Add task action POST /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}/actions/
(alternately POST to 'update task' endpoint with {"actions": [...]})
Update task action PATCH /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}/actions/{action_id}/
Cancel task action DELETE /api/{org}/{project}/tasks/{task_id}/actions/{action_id}/

Full details of the API endpoints can be viewed at


401 Unauthorized

These errors are returned with the status code 401 whenever the authentication fails or a request is made to an endpoint without providing the authentication information as part of the request. Here are the 2 possible errors that can be returned.

    "type": "client_error",
    "errors": [
            "code": "authentication_failed",
            "detail": "Incorrect authentication credentials.",
            "attr": null
    "type": "client_error",
    "errors": [
            "code": "not_authenticated",
            "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided.",
            "attr": null

405 Method Not Allowed

This is returned when an endpoint is called with an unexpected http method. For example, if updating a user requires a POST request and a PATCH is issued instead, this error is returned. Here's how it looks like:

    "type": "client_error",
    "errors": [
            "code": "method_not_allowed",
            "detail": "Method “patch” not allowed.",
            "attr": null

406 Not Acceptable

This is returned if the Accept header is submitted and contains a value other than application/json. Here's how the response would look:

    "type": "client_error",
    "errors": [
            "code": "not_acceptable",
            "detail": "Could not satisfy the request Accept header.",
            "attr": null

415 Unsupported Media Type

This is returned when the request content type is not json. Here's how the response would look:

    "type": "client_error",
    "errors": [
            "code": "not_acceptable",
            "detail": "Unsupported media type “application/xml” in request.",
            "attr": null

500 Internal Server Error

This is returned when the API server encounters an unexpected error. Here's how the response would look:

    "type": "server_error",
    "errors": [
            "code": "error",
            "detail": "A server error occurred.",
            "attr": null